Saturday, 24 November 2007

Launch Date Confirmed

We can now confirm a soft launch date of 21st January 2008. Doing this has many advantages and benefits for the company, and most importantly, for you our members, and your teams.

Upon launch, the games platform will be available in all of the currently supported languages: French, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian. Plus there will be a wider selection of games and - here is some great news - the desktop “uVme Instant Messenger Client” will be available for download.

To keep your team focused and to really start building momentum within your group in the run-up to launch, over the next few weeks we will be inviting them to play games on the beta-test site. Everybody who has experienced and played the games has been truly amazed by the experience. It makes the business "real" and hits home the massive global potential of uVme.